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Sow Now, Reap Later: Your Ultimate Guide to Fall Planting

As we bid farewell to the warmth of summer and embrace the crisp embrace of fall, it's the perfect time to talk about what you should be planting now for next year's garden glory. That's right, we're talking about fall planting for a bountiful harvest in the coming year. So grab your trowels and let's get digging!

Garden supplies in a wooden garden shed

1. Bulbs That Make Your Heart Skip a Beat

Fall is the prime time to plant spring-flowering bulbs that will make your garden burst into color when the snow melts. Think tulips, daffodils, crocuses, and hyacinths. Dig a hole, drop in the bulb, cover it up, and forget about it until next spring when your garden becomes a living work of art. The anticipation is part of the fun!

2. Garlic

If you're a fan of flavorful dishes and pest-free gardens, it's time to plant some garlic. Fall is the season for this culinary gem. Separate the cloves and plant them with the pointed side up in well-drained soil. You'll be rewarded with delicious homegrown garlic next summer.

3. The Hardy Perennials

Perennials are the gift that keeps on giving. Now is the perfect time to establish new perennial plants like hostas, daylilies, and peonies. Once they've settled in, these beauties will return year after year, bringing joy to your garden without the need for replanting.

4. Raspberries and Strawberries

Want to enjoy the sweet taste of homegrown berries next summer? Plant raspberry canes and strawberry crowns in the fall. They'll establish strong roots over the winter, and you'll have a delectable harvest to look forward to.

Man and boy holding and picking strawberries planted in a garden bed

5. Onions and Shallots

Onions and shallots are essential in many dishes, and they're a cinch to grow. Plant onion sets or shallot bulbs in well-drained soil, and you'll be cooking with homegrown ingredients that have a flavor like no other. Plus, they help keep pests at bay in your garden.

6. Asparagus

If you're in it for the long haul, consider planting asparagus crowns in the fall. Asparagus takes a few years to establish, but once it does, it can provide you with delicious spears for decades. Plant it in a sunny spot and be prepared for the ultimate patience test.

7. Cover Crops

While not directly for eating, cover crops like clover and rye are your garden's BFFs. Plant these in your empty garden beds to improve soil fertility, prevent erosion, and keep weeds at bay. Come spring, you can simply turn them under to nourish your garden soil for the next growing season.

8. Spinach and Kale

Don't forget the delicious cool-season vegetables. Spinach and kale are hardy crops that can withstand chilly weather and even taste better after a light frost. Plant them now for a steady supply of greens throughout the fall and early spring.

a bed of green clover

So, as you prepare for cozy nights by the fireplace and indulge in pumpkin-flavored everything, remember that the work you put into your garden this fall will be rewarded next year. Plant now, and come spring, you'll be sipping lemonade in your lush, flourishing garden, thanking your past self for their foresight. Enjoy the anticipation of what's to come!

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